New Features of our Revenue Management System
New Features of the Revenue Management System: Manual Price Suggestions and Unifies Download of Competitors and OTAs
October 23, 2024

We have repeatedly emphasized that the bus market is dynamic and competitive; that is why, to stay ahead, companies need tools that allow them to make real-time data-driven decisions. This is where Reservamos SaaS’s Revenue Management System plays a key role.

This system monitors market behavior, evaluates the performance of pricing strategies, and suggests adjustments to maximize revenue. Its key modules include the Competitor Monitor and Price Suggestions, which have recently been enhanced with two new features: Manual Price Suggestions and Unified Download of Competitors and OTAs Data.

Competitor Monitor: A Strategic Market Insight

The Competitor Monitor is an essential tool for bus companies looking to get ahead of the competition. This module analyzes routes, schedules, occupancy, and prices, providing information that allows for timely adjustments to pricing strategies and inventory optimization. Operational teams, sales managers, and data analysts use this feature to observe the market and make decisions based on solid data.

One of the latest updates to this module is the ability to download competitor and OTA data in a single file. Previously, companies would download the data from their direct competitors and those listed on OTAs separately. Now, both data sets can be obtained in one file, simplifying analysis and speeding up processes.

Unified Download of Competitors and OTAs

Price Suggestions: Data-Driven Revenue Increase

The Price Suggestion module is another key tool within the Revenue Management System. It uses historical sales, occupancy, and demand data to suggest dynamic prices that optimize revenue. By predicting demand fluctuations, this module helps bus companies set more competitive prices at the right time, thus maximizing sales opportunities.

For those seeking greater control over their pricing strategy, we have introduced the new Request for Suggestions feature. As the name suggests, it allows companies to manually request suggestions in addition to the automated recommendations provided by the system. With this level of customization, operators can adjust the suggestions according to their specific market knowledge or special events that may influence demand. The Manual Price Suggestion is ideal for balancing flexibility and control, offering a personalized solution without sacrificing the system’s efficiency.

Manual Price Suggestion

Continuous innovation in price management

With these new features, Reservamos SaaS‘ Revenue Management System continues to evolve, providing bus companies with the best technological tools on the market. Whether optimizing prices automatically or manually, or downloading critical competitor and OTA information in a single operation, these enhancements allow companies to make more informed, quicker, and more strategic decisions.

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