Revenue Management

The future of smart pricing
Create a pricing strategy based on demand, occupancy, and purchase anticipation. Grow your revenue by offering the right price at the right moment.
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The first Revenue Management solution with data science designed for the bus sector.

Gain a strategic vision and anticipate your market

The Competitor Monitor solution enables you to visualize the market behavior, have an overview regarding the price offer, and optimize your operation according to demand.

Real-time Alerts

Get smart notifications to detect changes in your revenue, routes, schedules, and occupation impacting your operations and objectives.

Monitor every trip

Get details of your offer, active prices, demand, occupation, and purchase anticipation of your routes in less than 1 minute.

Your results in one place

What is not measured is not improved. Visualize your results in dynamic graphs and performance summaries with your strategy’s most relevant metrics like tickets sold occupation and revenue.

The right price at the right time

Apply dynamic pricing to your routes based on conditions such as day, time, advance booking, or date intervals.

“BrainPROS has helped us encourage purchase anticipation, increase the occupancy of our services and maintain the company’s competitiveness”.

Alexandier Meza Guevara

General Manager 

Do you want to know more about the technology that enables bus companies to adapt to their market and increase competitiveness?

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