Discover the latest updates and features of the Competitor Monitor.
The Competitor Monitor is one of the most valuable tools our partners have for observing and analyzing market behavior, and consequently, creating differentiated strategies to boost competitiveness.
Due to the importance of this module, which is part of BrainPROS, our Revenue Management solution, our product and development teams consistently release updates to enhance the usability of this digital tool, ensuring your operational teams always have agile and effective technology at their disposal.
Here are the most recent updates to our Competitor Monitor:
Occupancy Trend: This is a new visualization within this module that shows you how occupancy has changed from the observation day up to 10 days ago. This way, you can monitor precisely how this factor is progressing in your market.
When filtering a route, the Competitor Monitor displays columns for Sales by provider and Occupancy by provider. A third column is now added, showing the Occupancy Trend for both your company and your monitored competitors.

- Monitor the performance of different routes and schedules.
- Analyze market behavior in greater detail.
- Detect significant or critical occupancy changes and analyze possible reasons, such as fleet increases, discounts, promotions, price decreases, or variations.
- Adjust strategies to maintain competitiveness based on this analysis.
Scheduled Downloads: Through this new feature, you can now configure the date, day, and time to automatically receive the reports you need in your email, without having to log into BrainPROS and generate the data manually.

Data downloads are the most frequently used feature by our partners within BrainPROS, as they work with the data generated by our Revenue Management tool for further market analysis and strategy performance assessment.
This functionality streamlines the download process and helps optimize your team’s time, allowing them to focus on analysis rather than manual tasks that we’ve already solved for you and your company.
Discover everything we can do to drive your bus company’s growth, enhance traveler satisfaction, and empower your operational teams.