EN - Tips Easter Season

10 recommendations to prepare your eCommerce for Easter Week

March 20, 2024

Written by Reservamos Team

Attract more travelers to your eCommerce and help your operational teams be better prepared with the help of technology.

One of the busiest seasons for tourist and traveler mobility is approaching. With the help of technology in your eCommerce and your operational team, you can be prepared to ensure an optimal shopping experience for your users through your online sales channels. Likewise, you can ensure that the high flow of travelers translates into higher sales, avoiding any setbacks for your company.

Jose Luis Landaeta, Head of Customer Success at Reservamos SaaS, has prepared 10 tips to get your company ready for this season. Here’s what he shared with us:

  1. Anticipate your travelers! Set up alerts at the beginning and end of your sales funnel. This way, you can immediately know if there is any drop; for example, you can activate alerts if page visits drop by 5%, or if there are no purchases within a period. At Reservamos SaaS, our partners have 24/7 access to all their data at each step of the funnel, allowing them to monitor each stage and act immediately.
  2. Increase server capacity. During these dates, it is common for servers to collapse due to high demand. If you prepare, you will avoid poor shopping experiences and potential revenue losses.
  3. Use personalization tools to offer travel recommendations based on user preferences and behaviors. This can help increase the relevance and conversion of your offers. And remember, avoid making major changes to the homepage of your eCommerce to prevent confusion, errors, or poor user experiences (UI/UX).
  4. Communicate and share specific coverage schedules so that your entire team knows who to turn to in case of any eventuality.
  5. Monitor your market more agilely and efficiently to respond to any pricing and promotion strategies from your competitors. This way, you can adjust your offers and maintain competitiveness in the market.

  1. Motivate your travelers to book in advance by activating dynamic pricing strategies for those users who book their tickets well in advance.
  2. Analyze the demand for your routes at different times and update your inventory. Afternoon or evening transfer options are the most popular among travelers, as this allows them to arrive at their destination at night and enjoy it during the day. During these peak hours, you can increase your inventory to take advantage of the flow of travelers.
  3. Keep your travelers informed about any changes, delays, cancellations, or incidents that may occur during the high season. Use Marketing Automation tools, social media, email, and text messages to communicate directly with your travelers and share any information that will enhance their satisfaction.
  4. Make sure you have the safest and most popular payment methods among your travelers. At Reservamos SaaS, we have a fraud prevention system and a specialized team that guarantees high acceptance rates, keeping chargeback levels almost at 0%.
  5. Reinforce your customer service teams to handle the high volume of help requests.

Get to know the technological ecosystem of Reservamos SaaS, developed to boost your company’s performance during peak seasons. With the help of our solutions, you can optimize your operations and offer better shopping experiences, ensuring a significant increase in your sales.

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