Revenue Management System
Revenue Management System, the precision your company needs to monitor the market
September 08, 2024

Optimize revenue and pricing with the Revenue Management System from Reservamos SaaS. Monitor the market and adjust strategies in real-time.  

In the competitive world of passenger transportation, properly managing operations and optimizing pricing strategies can make the difference between growing your business and leaving revenue opportunities on the table. With the Revenue Management System from Reservamos SaaS, bus companies can increase their revenue thanks to a data-driven solution that centralizes all the necessary information to make strategic and effective decisions.

This advanced system offers precise and quick answers to the most complex questions companies face about their markets. With a modular structure, the system enables you to monitor and analyze market behavior, receive intelligent alerts about supply changes, evaluate the performance of implemented strategies, and generate intelligent pricing recommendations to maximize revenue.

The modules that make up the Revenue Management System are:

– Competitor Monitor  

– Intelligent Alerts  

– Pricing Strategy  

– Dash Center  

– Price Suggestion  

Below, we detail the functionalities of each of the five modules to help your company make data-driven decisions.

Revenue Management System Modules

1. Competitor Monitor

Powered by machine learning, this module enables companies to obtain a strategic view of the market. It analyzes data such as routes, schedules, occupancy, and pricing, providing critical information that enables businesses to anticipate the competition and adjust pricing and inventory strategies on time.  

It’s used by pricing analysts, data analysts, operations managers, and sales and marketing managers, among other bus company staff, to access updated and automatic market information, such as routes, schedules, occupancy, capacity, and prices. This complete visualization helps make better pricing strategies and inventory optimization decisions.  

2. Intelligent Alerts

Set up automatic notifications to receive information about changes in revenue, routes, occupancy, and other critical market variables. This enables companies to respond to market fluctuations and keep their strategies optimized quickly.  

One of the latest features includes creating alerts by partners within a competitor OTA or Marketplace you choose to monitor. This new functionality addresses the need to monitor and create alerts for each partner available on an OTA’s website.  

Other key features include mass data downloads, setting and activating alerts by occupancy and price changes, downloading alert files, and sending downloads via email.

3. Pricing Strategy

Enables companies to efficiently generate and manage dynamic pricing strategies, significantly reducing operational times. This module also facilitates mass uploads of strategies, price adjustments, and quick deactivation of discounts.  

Additionally, this module includes a new feature, Trip List, designed to revolutionize how bus companies manage pricing and make strategic decisions.  

The Trip List is a tool that provides a general and comparative overview of fares and availability on different routes and schedules, all in one easy-to-consult table.

4. Dash Center

This dashboard offers a clear and up-to-date visualization of key performance indicators, such as revenue, average ticket, and occupancy. It is a key tool for measuring the impact of implemented pricing strategies and adjusting operations in real-time.  

With this tool, bus companies have access to graphs with the following indicators:  

– Total revenue  

– Daily revenue for the period  

– Average ticket  

– Daily average ticket for the period  

– Tickets sold  

– Daily tickets sold for the period  

– Tickets per trip  

– Average tickets sold per trip  

– Advance sales  

– Sales with days of anticipation  

– Average days of anticipation  

– Trips  

– Average revenue per trip  

– ASK (Seats offered per kilometer traveled)  

– RASK (Occupied seats per kilometer traveled)

5. Price Suggestion  

Based on historical sales, occupancy, and demand data, this module suggests dynamic prices to optimize revenue without manually designing strategies. It’s ideal for anticipating demand fluctuations at specific times.  

The Price Suggestion Module enables the Revenue Management System to generate strategies suggested to the bus company for approval based on controlled risk levels.

With these modules, the Reservamos SaaS Revenue Management System not only improves operational efficiency but also enhances companies’ ability to quickly adapt to market conditions. This, in turn, increases revenue and improves purchase anticipation and occupancy for each route and schedule. In short, it is the comprehensive solution every bus company needs to stay competitive in a constantly changing market.

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