Digital Marketing Tools Your Bus Company Needs to Know

Digital Marketing Tools Your Bus Company Needs to Know

Discover the essential digital marketing tools for bus companies. Improve your visibility, attract new travelers, and optimize resources.

In the digital age, marketing has evolved significantly, offering businesses in all sectors the opportunity to connect directly with their customers and enhance their reach. 

Bus companies in Latin America are no exception. With the increased use of the Internet and social media, companies have the opportunity to implement digital marketing strategies that can increase their visibility, attract more passengers, and improve traveler loyalty.

This article aims to provide bus companies with the tools and information they need to know and implement digital marketing tools, without needing to rely exclusively on external agencies. With the right knowledge, they can make the most of digital opportunities, optimize their resources, and achieve their business goals more efficiently.

That’s why we’ve selected the main digital marketing tools that every bus company should know and implement.

From social media management platforms to analytics and automation tools, these technological solutions will increase the efficiency of your marketing efforts help connect better with your audience and improve the customer experience.

Discover how these tools can transform your digital marketing strategy and take your bus company to the next level of innovation.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the widely used tools for web analysis. It allows companies to track and analyze their website traffic, understand user behavior, and measure the performance of marketing campaigns. With Google Analytics, you can obtain detailed information about traffic sources, the most visited pages, the time spent on the site, and conversion rates. This information is crucial for making informed decisions and optimizing your digital strategy.

Google Ads

For companies that want to increase their visibility and attract immediate traffic, Google Ads is an essential tool. It allows you to create and manage paid advertising campaigns on Google and its partner network.

With Google Ads, you can reach your target audience through search, display, video, and shopping ads. It offers a wide range of targeting options and analysis tools to optimize your campaigns and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Google Search Console

It is a free tool offered by Google that allows website owners to monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot their site’s presence in Google search results. It allows you to see how many people visit your site from Google search, what search queries they used, which pages they visited, and on which devices.

It provides data on the keywords that generate traffic to your site, including impressions, clicks, CTR (Click-Through Rate), and average position in search results. It allows you to inspect specific URLs to see how Google crawls and indexes them and to identify any specific issues. It informs about possible content improvements, such as duplicate titles, missing or duplicate meta descriptions, and non-indexable content issues.


OneSignal is a customer messaging and push notification platform that allows companies to send targeted messages to their users across various channels, including push notifications, emails, SMS, and in-app messages.

With automation capabilities, advanced segmentation, and detailed analytics, OneSignal helps bus companies improve user engagement, increase conversions, and optimize their communication strategies.


It is a cloud communications platform that allows developers to add communication capabilities, such as phone calls, text messages (SMS), and video messages, to their applications using various APIs:

Voice API: To make and receive phone calls.

SMS API: To send and receive text messages.

Video API: To add video call capabilities.

Chat API: To integrate chat into applications.

Twilio is commonly used in mobile applications, notification and marketing systems, customer service, and any other application that requires real-time communication capabilities. Twilio’s flexibility and scalability make it a popular choice for both small and large businesses.


To improve search engine visibility, SEMrush is an indispensable tool. It offers a wide range of functions for keyword research, competitor analysis, SEO audits, rank tracking, and more.

SEMrush helps identify keyword opportunities, analyze competitors’ strategies, and optimize content to improve search ranking.

With this tool, you can ensure that your website is well-optimized to attract high-quality organic traffic.


Managing social media can be challenging, especially for companies with a presence on multiple platforms. Hootsuite is a social media management tool that allows you to schedule, publish, and monitor content on various social networks from a single platform. Additionally, it offers detailed analytics to measure the performance of your posts and gain insights into your audience. With Hootsuite, you can save time and improve the consistency and effectiveness of your social media strategy.

Market Explorer

It is a market analysis tool that offers detailed information about the competitive environment of a specific industry. It provides a comprehensive view of the market, including key trends, market size, and market share of the main competitors.

It allows you to identify market growth rates and emerging opportunities, helping companies focus their strategies on areas with the highest potential for expansion.


Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to reach and engage your audience. Mailchimp is an email marketing tool that makes it easy to create, send, and track email campaigns. It offers a variety of customizable templates, automation tools, audience segmentation, and detailed analytics. With Mailchimp, you can create attractive and relevant email campaigns that drive conversion and customer loyalty.


HubSpot is an all-in-one marketing, sales, and customer service platform that offers a wide range of tools to manage and optimize all stages of the sales funnel. It includes features for marketing automation, customer relationship management (CRM), content creation, analytics, and more.

HubSpot helps align your marketing and sales efforts, improve operational efficiency, and deliver an exceptional customer experience.


Creating attractive visual content is essential to capture your audience’s attention in the digital environment. Canva is a graphic design tool that allows users to create images, infographics, presentations, social media posts, and other visual materials easily and professionally.

With a vast library of templates, graphics, and images, Canva makes it easy to create impactful visual content, even if you have no graphic design experience.


Similar to Hootsuite, Buffer is another social media management tool that allows you to schedule and publish content on multiple platforms. Buffer stands out for its intuitive interface and focus on simplicity and efficiency. It offers detailed analytics to measure the performance of your posts and gain insights into your audience. With Buffer, you can maintain an active presence on social media without needing to be constantly online.

Implementing the right tools is fundamental to the success of any digital marketing strategy. From web traffic analysis to social media management and content creation, these tools will provide you with the insights and efficiency needed to stand out in the competitive digital environment.

Adopting digital marketing tools is essential for bus companies in Latin America to optimize their online presence and connect more effectively with their customers.

With the proper implementation of these tools, bus companies can not only increase the efficiency of their marketing efforts but also improve the customer experience and stay competitive in an ever-evolving digital environment.

How to read your Digital Marketing metrics

How to read your Digital Marketing metrics

Understanding and analyzing digital marketing metrics is crucial for any successful online strategy. Learn how to interpret them and optimize your campaigns.

Data is a key factor in any company area, from sales, marketing, customer service, finance, and many other aspects. Processed data becomes information about users and is the most valuable resource a company can have.

According to a PwC study, companies are three times more likely to achieve significant improvements when they base their strategy on data. Therefore, if you plan to implement digital marketing strategies or have a marketing team, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basics of analytics and know how to use them to make informed decisions.

Understanding and analyzing digital marketing metrics is fundamental to any successful strategy in the online environment. Metrics provide a clear view of your campaign performance, allowing you to identify which tactics are working and which need adjustments.

Where to start analyzing metrics? 

From website traffic, and conversion rates, to social media engagement, each metric offers valuable information about how users interact with your content and move through the sales funnel.

To read and interpret your digital marketing metrics correctly, it is essential to have clear objectives and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). These objectives can vary, from increasing brand recognition and attracting more traffic to boosting online ticket sales.

When defining your KPIs, make sure they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. For example, if your goal is to increase website traffic, you might focus on metrics like the number of unique visitors, bounce rate, and average session duration.

Once you have your objectives and KPIs defined, use analytics tools like Google Analytics, social media management platforms, and marketing automation systems to collect and evaluate the data.

These tools not only show you the performance of your campaigns but also provide actionable insights to optimize your strategies. By regularly monitoring and analyzing these metrics, you can make informed decisions, continuously improve your campaigns, and ultimately achieve your digital marketing goals more effectively.

What are digital marketing metrics for? 

According to HubSpot, marketing metrics are used to improve customer experience, increase the ROI of marketing initiatives, and develop future innovation and growth initiatives.

The key to good marketing analysis is asking questions. There are many ways to read and interpret reports, but you should strive to keep it as simple as possible. When analyzing your company’s data, use the following best practices as a guide:

  • Summarize what you are looking for in one question.
  • Look for patterns and trends in the data.
  • Analyze data that contradicts your expectations.
  • Compare current data with previous trends.

To improve your analysis, you can also classify your conclusions:

  • What works well?
  • What needs improvement?
  • What requires investigation?

General digital marketing metrics you need to know 

According to Semrush, general marketing KPIs focus on basic data points, such as conversions and ROI, which are relevant regardless of the channels the digital marketing strategy focuses on. These KPIs help understand how much value your bus company’s marketing efforts generate.

Here are the metrics that are important to understand and consider in your next digital marketing strategies:

  1. Traffic sources 

This refers to identifying the sources from which visitors access a website. This metric is crucial to understanding how users arrive at your site or eCommerce platform. Traffic sources can be categorized into several main sources:

  • Organic traffic: Users who arrive at the website through search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo without clicking on paid ads.
  • Paid traffic: Users who access the website through paid ads on search engines (Google Ads) or other platforms (Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads).
  • Direct traffic: Users who enter the website URL directly into their browser or have the website saved in their favorites.
  • Referral traffic: Users who arrive at the website through links on other websites.
  • Social traffic: Users who access the website through links on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.
  • Email traffic: Users who arrive at the website through links in email marketing campaigns.

To measure traffic sources, web analytics tools like Google Analytics track and record the visitors’ origin.

  1. Number of unique visitors 

This digital marketing metric represents the number of distinct individuals who visit a website within a specific time, regardless of how many times they do so. Unlike the total number of visits, which counts all visits including repeat ones, unique visitors count each person only once. It helps understand the size of your audience and the effectiveness of your campaigns in attracting new users. Additionally, it facilitates comparison between different periods or campaigns to assess growth and the effectiveness of your marketing strategies.

  1. Bounce rate 

Indicates the percentage of visitors who leave a website after viewing only one page, without interacting further. In other words, a “bounce” occurs when a user enters a web page and leaves without clicking on any other link or taking any additional action. A high bounce rate can suggest that the page content is not relevant or attractive to visitors. It can reflect user experience issues, such as complicated navigation, slow load times, or unattractive design. The bounce rate is measured using web analytics tools like Google Analytics.

  1. Engagement rate

The engagement rate is a digital marketing metric that measures the level of interaction users have with a brand’s content on digital platforms, such as social media, blogs, websites, and emails. The engagement rate can vary depending on the platform and the type of interaction being measured.

Social Media: On social media, the engagement rate is generally calculated using the following formula:

  • Total interactions: Includes likes, comments, shares, clicks, and other forms of interaction.
  • Total impressions or reach: The number of times the content has been viewed or the number of people who have seen the content.

Blogs and Websites: For blogs and websites, the engagement rate can be measured through various combined metrics, such as:

  • Time on page: The average time users spend on a specific page.
  • Pages per session: The average number of pages a user visits in a single session.
  • Bounce rate: The percentage of visitors who leave the site after viewing only one page.

Emails: In the case of email marketing, the engagement rate can be measured using:

  • Open rate: The percentage of recipients who opened the email.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of recipients who clicked on a link within the email.

>>>You may be interested in reading more about the Benefits of Digital Marketing for Bus Companies.  

  1. Cost per lead 

The cost per lead (CPL) is the amount paid to acquire a new lead through marketing efforts. You can track CPL across different channels and campaigns, allowing you to evaluate which activities generate leads at the lowest cost. CPL is calculated by dividing the total cost of a marketing campaign by the number of leads generated from that campaign. The formula is:


Suppose you spent $1000 on a marketing campaign and generated 50 leads. The CPL calculation would be:

In this case, the CPL would be $20.

It is important to consider that the total campaign cost includes all expenses associated with the campaign, such as advertising, tools, personnel, agencies, or experts. 

Additionally, the generated leads refer to the number of qualified contacts obtained from the campaign, i.e., people who have shown interest in your products or services, provided their contact information, or entered your eCommerce site to perform a search.

  1. Conversion rate

The conversion rate is the percentage of users who perform a desired action after interacting with your marketing ads, campaigns, and other assets. This desired action can range from subscribing to a newsletter to purchasing a ticket online, or any other objective you want your audience to complete. The conversion rate is calculated by dividing the number of conversions (desired actions completed) by the total number of visitors and multiplying the result by 100 to get a percentage. The formula is:


Suppose a webpage received 2000 visitors and 50 of those visitors made a conversion (e.g., completed a purchase, registered, etc.). The conversion rate calculation would be:

In this case, the conversion rate would be 2.5%. The conversion rate helps you understand how much of your traffic is converting into leads. Additionally, it helps you know how many of these leads convert into paying customers and contribute to revenue.

  1. Cart abandonment rate

 The cart abandonment rate refers to the percentage of users who add products to their shopping cart on an eCommerce website but do not complete the purchase. This indicator is crucial for online businesses, as a high cart abandonment rate can indicate issues in the purchasing process that need to be addressed to improve conversions. The cart abandonment rate is calculated using the following formula:

Example: Suppose in one month:

  • 500 carts were created in your eCommerce
  • Out of those 500 carts, 150 resulted in complete purchases Then, the number of abandoned carts would be:
  1. Net Promoter Score (NPS) 

NPS is a metric used to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction with a company or brand. By focusing on this metric, bus companies can quickly identify areas for improvement and foster stronger and more loyal relationships with their customers. The metric is based on a single question: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our bus company to a friend or colleague?” The NPS calculation is done in three steps:

1. Response Classification: Respondents are classified into three categories based on their scores:

  • Promoters (scores of 9 to 10): Loyal and enthusiastic customers who will continue buying from your eCommerce and recommend the company.
  • Passives (scores of 7 to 8): Satisfied but not necessarily loyal customers. They could be attracted by the competition.
  • Detractors (scores of 0 to 6): Unsatisfied customers who could harm the company’s reputation through negative comments.

2. Calculate the Percentage of Each Group: Calculate the percentage of responses in each category.

3. Calculate the NPS: Subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters:

  1. Marketing Return on Investment (ROMI) 

The marketing return on investment (ROMI) refers to the amount of money generated by your marketing efforts compared to the cost. A positive ROMI demonstrates that marketing is contributing to the company’s bottom line and that the marketing budget is being spent effectively. The basic formula to calculate ROMI is:

Understanding digital marketing metrics is essential for making informed decisions and optimizing strategies. Metrics provide a clear view of your campaigns’ performance and allow you to identify areas for improvement. 

Defining clear objectives and KPIs, using analytics tools, and regularly monitoring data are fundamental practices for any digital marketing strategy. Analyzing metrics with a clear and specific methodology ensures that your marketing efforts generate the highest possible value for your company.

Smart pricing, a strategy to democratize access to sport

Smart pricing, a strategy to democratize access to sport

A smart pricing strategy increases your sales, occupancy and allows fans to attend games with affordable prices.

Fans now have multiple platforms to watch matches. That’s why clubs must try strategies that help grow their ticket and attendance revenue, minimizing costs to increase their profitability. 

Smart Pricing, also known as Revenue Management, is a strategy focused on promoting the right price, at the right time, to the right person. This discipline is used in various industries such as hospitality, aviation, transport, retail and entertainment.

The effective implementation of strategies is based on the ideal planning of prices and adjustments in real time based on different pre-configured variables, according to the specific objectives of each organization. For example match day, season, time, types of seats, advance purchase, rival team, and many more. 

This strategy can allow sports clubs to maximize their revenue and improve fan satisfaction by offering more competitive and attractive prices to each segment.

We have contributed to generating increases of more than 20 percent in revenue. Recently, in a pilot test, we managed to increase sales by 5% of a type A match, which previously had little interest and attendance.

What can be the results with a smart pricing strategy?

  1. First, it maximizes revenue opportunities for clubs and event organizers. 
  2. By adjusting ticket prices, depending on demand, teams can have different reduction and increase strategies, for low and high attendance matches. 
  3. Having full stadiums is increasingly a challenge, so you could not only increase the actual seat occupancy but also sales revenue with merchandising, beverages and food, among other ancillaries.
  4. Offering lower prices during lower-demand games can make sports events more accessible to a wider audience, encouraging inclusion and seat occupancy.
  5. In terms of experience, fans can plan their attendance based on their budget, choosing from a variety of prices, depending on seat location and the match’s importance. 
  6. Provide valuable data on fan behavior, which can be used for more effective marketing strategies. 
  7. The data analyzed can help forecast demand and adjust operational strategies. 

Reservamos SaaS, the Hat-trick for sport

At Reservamos SaaS we developed a Smart Pricing solution, based on data science, which aggregates all the data a sports club has and needs to make decisions that meet its objectives. 

This solution provides precise and agile responses to commonly manual and static processes, helping to strengthen performance and automate strategies.

It consists of a series of modules such as:

  • Price suggestions
  • Smart alerts
  • Multiple custom variables
  • Control center

One of the main advantages of the solution is that it is very easy to use, and offers recommendations in real time. 

In addition, our team of experts offers comprehensive support in the development of these strategies. In addition to providing specialized consultancies for those organizations that already have more robust teams in revenue management.Get in touch with us here

Regain control of your ticket sales

Regain control of your ticket sales

Get to know your fans and give them a better buying experience with exclusive benefits only your club can provide them.  

In Latin America, football clubs and sports teams need to adopt new business models. Despite advanced technologies such as real-time statistics and facial recognition, most teams still rely on ticket marketplaces (i.e. websites that sell tickets for multiple types of events). This approach and commercial dependence limit the benefits for both clubs and fans.

The most valuable football clubs in the world by 2024, according to a recent article published by Forbes, share an important strategy: direct selling through their official channels. These teams have an emphasis on implementing smart pricing strategies, collecting and analyzing data on the buying behavior of their fans, having direct communication without intermediaries, offer them benefits, news, loyalty programs and promotions, among others.

This approach allows clubs to fully control their sales and purchase flow, pricing strategies, marketing and data analysis, optimizing two key metrics:

  1. Sales
  2. Fan experience

Industries such as hospitality and airlines have demonstrated the benefits of a direct selling strategy. Marriott, for example, offers a more personalized experience to its guests, through its own sales channels. Airlines, on the other hand, generate up to 90% of their revenue through direct sales, thus reducing the dependence on distributors; and consequently generating an important database that makes each airline more valuable in capital markets.

In industries such as travel and tourism, OTAs (online travel agencies) generate intrinsic value as consumers compare prices and benefits among thousands of options.

Unlike sports, Real Madrid’s fans do not seek to compare prices of other matches; their interest is to attend their team’s matches. This makes a direct selling strategy even more relevant in this area.

What are the benefits of direct ticket sales?

The direct sale of tickets in sports clubs offers many significant benefits for both themselves and their fans. 

For clubs it allows greater control over the buying experience, from the customization of the user interface to the implementation of smart pricing strategies; and by eliminating intermediaries, clubs retain a greater share of revenue, increasing their profitability. 

In addition, direct selling facilitates the collection of valuable data on their fan’s behavior, which allows them to develop more effective and personalized marketing strategies, and thus promote greater loyalty.

For fans, direct purchase guarantees the legitimacy of their tickets, avoiding common scams in the resale of these. Not to mention the decrease in fees vs ticket costs and the opportunity to get greater benefits like points and exclusive offers.

Reservamos SaaS, your new ally to promote direct sales

Through specialized technology, Reservamos SaaS transforms digital ticket sales through a dynamic, efficient and customizable platform for any brand and their needs, thus ensuring a better digital shopping experience. 

Here are 10 benefits you can generate by regaining control of your sales with Reservamos SaaS:

  1. +15% increase in sales
  2. 40% reduction in fan’s fees
  3. Increased your club’s valuation
  4. Minimum ROI of 120%
  5. Greater fan’s loyalty
  6. Fraud reduction
  7. Increase in payment approval rate
  8. Control over an official secondary market
  9. Ancillary sales and complementary services
  10. Speed in innovation

Implementing personalized and efficient technology to the online direct sales channel of a sports club, such as the one developed by Reservamos SaaS, not only facilitates direct sales but also offers marketing tools and data analysis that boosts fans’ loyalty and pricing strategies.
Get in touch with us here!

Benefits of Digital Marketing for bus companies

Benefits of Digital Marketing for bus companies

Harness the power of digital marketing to help your bus company stay competitive and meet travelers’ expectations. 

In the digital era, bus companies face a transformation in how they attract and retain their customers. Digital marketing has emerged as an essential tool for these companies, enabling them to reach their audience more effectively and efficiently. Below, we explore the key benefits of digital marketing for bus companies.

Digital marketing offers countless benefits for bus companies, from increased reach and audience segmentation to personalizing the customer experience and enhancing brand reputation. 

By adopting digital marketing strategies, bus companies can attract customers, optimize their operations, and increase profitability. In an increasingly digital world, leveraging these tools is essential to staying competitive and meeting the expectations of modern customers.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is the set of strategies and techniques that use digital media and channels to promote products, services, or brands. It covers a wide array of strategies and tools aimed at attracting, converting, and retaining customers through digital channels. 

This discipline encompasses all mobile devices, electronics, and the Internet to shape creative initiatives for user connections. Typically, marketing channels such as search engines, email, social media, and other channels that connect with customers and prospects are used to implement strategies. 

What is the difference between an outbound marketing strategy and an inbound marketing strategy?

Digital marketing does not only include inbound or outbound methods but encompasses all strategies that are carried out through a digital channel or platform; it is important to clarify the difference between outbound marketing and inbound marketing because it often generates confusion. Inbound is a methodology that allows to attract customers with valuable content and generate personalized experiences. It is a methodology that is applied within digital marketing. The inbound method seeks to drive the growth of an organization, establishing long-term relationships with people, and supporting them to achieve their goals.

The main difference between inbound and outbound is that the latter seeks the brand’s messages to reach as many people as possible, beyond whether the messages are relevant or desired, generating strategies to seek cold contacts.

On the contrary, inbound marketing is a methodology that attracts consumers who are more prepared to buy, through experience and valuable content, specifically designed to capture the attention and generate the trust of this audience. Implementing teams use content marketing to deliver useful information to target audiences to attract them to their websites.

The main benefits of digital marketing for bus companies

Digital marketing offers numerous advantages for bus companies; starting with reaching a wider audience efficiently and optimizing resources. 

By implementing online marketing strategies, such as social media ads, email campaigns, and search engine optimization (SEO), bus companies can promote their services to a segmented and targeted audience. This not only increases brand visibility but also attracts potential customers who are actively seeking transportation options online.

This discipline allows bus companies to interact directly with their customers, enhancing the user experience and fostering loyalty. Digital platforms provide channels to receive immediate feedback, respond to queries, and resolve issues efficiently. 

This type of direct interaction not only increases customer satisfaction but also provides valuable insights into market preferences and needs, allowing bus companies to fine-tune their services and marketing campaigns.

Digital marketing provides advanced analytics and performance measurement tools, allowing you to evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns in real-time. With accurate data on ad performance, click-through rates, conversions, and user behavior, companies can optimize their strategies and maximize their return on investment (ROI). 

This ability to continually adjust and improve marketing efforts ensures bus companies remain competitive and relevant in an ever-changing marketplace.

How to implement a digital marketing strategy for bus companies?

Digital marketing enables companies to increase their visibility and reach, boost sales, differentiate themselves from the competition, and gain in-depth market analysis. In the bus sector, it can offer travelers a clear understanding of the benefits and value proposition, aiming to make their interactions with the brand as seamless and direct as possible.

When you rely on a single channel, you leave out a large part of your target audience. Travelers may be unaware of all the advantages, ancillaries, discounts, or benefits they can access. This is why it is important to implement a multichannel marketing strategy and share relevant content, which resolves doubts about the services or products provided, through different channels. 

To implement an effective digital marketing strategy, according to HubSpot, it is best to combine different tactics, such as content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, retargeting, and email marketing. 

Below we explain each of the digital marketing tactics to consider for an effective strategy:

Content marketing: everything that gives meaning to your website. This includes blog posts and other resources such as ebooks and guides. As well as graphic images, interactive tools, and videos. Answer their questions and provide quality information. 

Search engine optimization (SEO) strategy: involves optimizing your website, to increase the chances of appearing at the top of search engine results pages.

Social media marketing: social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn, allow individuals, organizations, media, and businesses to follow each other’s online activity, interact in virtual conversations, and share content.

Retargeting: traditional advertising is considered an outbound tactic, but since digital marketing provides teams with the necessary data to better segment the audience, you can use retargeting to show ads to people who have visited your website. Remember not to be invasive and to deliver quality information.

Email marketing: it is the preferred communication channel for most professionals and is used by a large number of Internet users, which makes it a powerful tool that you can take advantage of to reach your audience directly.

A digital marketing strategy is likely to be complex for bus companies that have not yet implemented it. However, having an ally to implement it is easier.

For example, Reservamos SaaS provides bus companies with an eCommerce platform that helps them strengthen their digital channels, increase sales, and reduce costs. For this, it has two key modules for a bus company to implement its digital marketing strategy. 

It consists of two modules:

  • Marketing Module – It provides bus companies with tools to increase traveler retention through effective marketing strategies. In this way they can maintain personalized and automated communication with them, such as reactivating users, recovering users through the abandoned cart, or promoting other sales channels thanks to the integration of user behavior data in the eCommerce with Marketing Automation tools to send push notifications, SMS, emails or WhatsApp messages.
  • SEO Module – Allows companies to take advantage of organic searches of travelers on Google, to position the website of each brand, through quality traffic. The module’s automated system facilitates the creation of landing pages or landing pages easily and quickly. Powered by Artificial Intelligence, the keywords of destinations, routes, and terminals are added.