Advance Booking Occupancy
A simpler way to monitor your routes and market occupancy
October 18, 2023

With the Competitor Monitor, you can now track occupancy in advance.

Through the Competitor Monitor, we simplify the tracking of your routes and schedules against your market’s performance to help you formulate Revenue Management strategies that enhance occupancy and revenue for your company.

That’s why our BrainPROS development and product team is committed to enhancing and strengthening the Competitor Monitor to make the tracking and analysis of your market’s performance and your company’s performance easier, more efficient, and more accurate.

We recently introduced a new graph called Occupancy Trend, which displays how occupancy has changed from the observation date to 10 days prior.

Now, in addition to having a graph displaying this information, the BrainPROS development and product team has added another graph called Advance Booking Occupancy. This graph enables you to observe how occupancy changes for each schedule and route registered in the Competitor Monitor up to 10 days in the future as the departure date approaches.

This metric makes it easier for your operations team to closely monitor the profitability of each journey and develop strategies to increase sales to achieve the ideal occupancy for each route and schedule.

The Competitor Monitor is the key tool your operations team needs to gain more strategic insight, anticipate your market, and increase revenue.

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