new seating diagram on eCommerce platform
IAMSA renews its fleet and we renew its eCommerce
May 17, 2023

We integrate a bus scheme with +100 seats into IAMSA’s eCommerce.

In Reservamos SaaS, we understand the importance of bus companies having fleets of vehicles equipped with the best technology. From safer and more comfortable buses to increased capacity to meet the demand of travelers.

In this regard, fleet renewal represents an opportunity for any bus company to attract more users who are willing to experience more comfortable and pleasant journeys. However, this doesn’t have to become a headache when it comes to updating a bus company’s eCommerce.

Recently, the Mexican company Grupo IAMSA introduced double-decker vehicles with over 100 seats to its fleet under different brands. This led the development and product team at Reservamos SaaS to adapt a new seating diagram on each bus line’s eCommerce platform to display the newly available seating capacity.

This way, travelers can easily and efficiently go through the purchasing process. When selecting their destination and schedule, they can see a diagram and a legend indicating the number of available seats. They can then choose their preferred floor and seat.

A crucial part of the dynamism of the Reservamos SaaS eCommerce platform and the experience our technology teams have in the bus sector is the agile innovation to showcase to travelers the benefits of choosing partners who have our technology in their eCommerce.

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