OTAs monitoring
Visualize OTAs and airlines and improve your offering
April 28, 2023

Competitor Monitor will enable you to monitor the OTAs and airlines you choose, to generate more attractive strategies for your travelers.

Increasing your bus company’s competitiveness and revenue requires tools that give you a broad view of your market behavior quickly and easily. And that can adapt to show you competitors from different sectors that can influence your market. 

Based on industry knowledge and learning from our partners, our technology teams have added OTAs and airlines to our Competitor Monitor solution to offer your company a greater diversity of market data and make it easier for you to make decisions to achieve much more strategic objectives by looking at the behavior of these competitors. 

Competitor Monitor is a web-based tool that is part of Reservamos’ SaaS technology ecosystem and allows pricing analysts, data analysts, operations managers, and sales managers, among other members of the bus company, to visualize and analyze market performance to make better decisions on pricing strategies and inventory optimization.

To monitor OTAs, Competitor Monitor will enable you to:

  • Visualize both the sales of bus lines offered in an OTA and the breakdown by brand. In addition, the system can detect the brands integrated into the OTA and automatically add them to the monitoring system. In this way, our technology monitors you, while you take care of the strategies. 
  • In the case of airlines, you can monitor the behavior of air routes that can influence your market. 

Competitor Monitor facilitates the analysis of public market data and brings your company up-to-date and automatic market information, such as routes, schedules, capacity, and prices, using Data Science techniques. And best of all, you don’t need any integration! 

If you would like to learn more about how the Competitor Monitor works, we would be happy to schedule a demo.

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