Pet-Friendly Ancillary
In ETN-Turistar the 🐶🐱 also travel by bus
May 17, 2023

The Mexican bus line adds the Pet-Friendly ancillary to its eCommerce to connect with travelers who love to include their furry companions in the adventure.

More and more people around the world are looking for tourism and transportation alternatives that allow them to travel with their pets, and they are willing to pay higher amounts to include their furry friends in their adventures. In Latin America, countries such as Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia have the highest number of households with pets.

In Mexico, the bus company ETN-Turistar, which is part of the IAMSA Group, has implemented Ancillary Pet Friendly, enabling routes with seats so that travelers can include their pets in the journey.

During the purchase process on the ETN-Turistar eCommerce platform, travelers can see the seating diagram with available pet-friendly seats and choose the most suitable one. Upon completing the purchase, pets are identified as passengers on the travel ticket and occupy a seat next to their owner. Similarly, travelers can view these seats and choose the one that best suits their preferences.

The Reservamos SaaS technology and the support of our technology team allow bus companies like ETN-Turistar to adapt their eCommerce platforms to integrate this and other ancillaries, offering unique and innovative travel experiences to their passengers. They can even increase their attractiveness and competitiveness compared to other sectors that have limited this offer, such as airlines.

Through ancillaries such as Pet-Friendly, bus companies can differentiate themselves from their competition, improve traveler satisfaction and loyalty, increase profitability, and diversify their income through additional services that travelers are willing to pay for!

If you also want your company to stay innovative, at Reservamos SaaS we can provide you with the most appropriate advice to help your bus company stand out in the market and better connect with travelers.

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