Platform AI features
Streamline your eCommerce with the new Platform AI features
March 06, 2024

At Reservamos SaaS, we are excited to present you with the new features of our latest widget powered by Platform AI, an innovative technology designed to streamline and enhance your online ticket selling process through Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Below, you will learn about these new features aimed at transforming your eCommerce.

Personalized Autocomplete: Two-Click Search

Did you know that your travelers’ search can be as easy as a couple of clicks? With our Personalized Autocomplete, we learn from their recent searches to pre-fill the origin and destination fields, thus simplifying the user experience and taking speed to a new level.

“Today” and “Tomorrow” Date Selection: Instant Travel

47% of users search for trips between today and tomorrow. So, we’ve listened and responded. Now, selecting dates is faster than ever with the options we’ve implemented without the need to open the calendar.

Platform AI features switch button

Search-Oriented Behavior: Intuitive and Efficient

We have optimized navigation with a search-oriented approach. By requesting travelers’ current location, we automatically direct them to the nearest and most popular terminal from the origin. Likewise, we suggest destinations to help them find what they need easily.

Origin and Destination Switch Button: Your Journey, Your Control

At the heart of the user experience is control. We have incorporated an origin and destination switch button, following best practices in the transportation industry. Now, the search adapts to each traveler, offering the best possible experience.

Ready for an evolving eCommerce?

At Reservamos SaaS, we are committed to the digital success of your company. Our technology, powered by Artificial Intelligence, not only offers an agile and user-friendly experience but also ensures constant updates to keep your eCommerce always at the forefront.

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