Pricing Strategy Module
The Pricing Strategy module will save you time and increase your revenue
May 24, 2023

Access the future of smart pricing today, with the help of BrainPROS.

BrainPROS is a Revenue Management solution, created to provide answers to key questions about your market, in a simpler and more effective way. Through its different modules, your company can create smarter pricing strategies, based on factors such as demand, occupancy, and purchase anticipation, and thus generate more revenue. 

One of the modules that integrate BrainPROS is Pricing Strategy. This module allows your company to apply smart pricing to your routes in a more dynamic and agile way. Using factors such as schedules, dates, availability, and priority, you can create a pricing strategy that drives higher sales in the destinations of your choice.  

By creating a pricing strategy in a more efficient way you will see essential benefits for your company, such as: 

  • Load your prices and discounts in a faster and more massive way. What used to take days, with BrainPROS can take a few hours!
  • Mitigate errors and reduce the time it takes to upload prices to your eCommerce. 
  • Increased focus of your operational teams on developing strategies that generate more revenue. 
  • Modify and edit your smart prices according to market and traveler behavior. 
  • Boost the increase in tickets sold, occupancy, and of course, revenue.
  • Higher profitability on each route.
  • More competitive average fares. 

And mainly, an increase in anticipation of purchase, which will trigger the following: 

  • A greater loyalty of your travelers and frequent purchases, since you will encourage your traveler to better plan their trips and look for the best price.
  • Your operations team will be able to improve the planning and organization of each route and schedule to generate additional revenue. 

Access the future of smart pricing today. 

The best thing about BrainPROS is that it fits your business. Regardless of whether or not you have a Revenue Management area, with the help of our team and technology, you will have at your fingertips and in the same tool the power to increase your revenue and improve the profitability of each trip, in each of your routes and schedules.

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