round ticket hybrid
A round ticket… hybrid?
April 13, 2023

At Reservamos SaaS, we help you listen and adapt to your digital travelers through your eCommerce.

Innovating in your digital sales channel to increase the satisfaction of your digital travelers while increasing your sales is possible. It’s just a matter of listening to your users’ needs and adapting your eCommerce to meet them.

With the goal of helping our allies increase their average ticket value, our technology and product team helped Mexican bus companies IAMSA and GFA implement the hybrid round-trip ticket option on their eCommerce platforms, powered by Reservamos SaaS technology.

Through the hybrid round-trip ticket feature, the sales funnel shows travelers the option to choose a departure date for their trip and, in case they don’t have a defined return day, they can select the open ticket option. This solution offers significant benefits for our allies’ bus lines, including:

  • Increase in average ticket value: By offering the hybrid round-trip ticket option, travelers can book their trip and ensure a complete experience, resulting in an increase in the average ticket value for each trip.
  • Greater flexibility for travelers: By allowing travelers to select an open date for their return trip, more flexibility is offered, which can attract a wider audience.
  • Improved planning and efficiency: By guaranteeing the purchase of a hybrid round-trip ticket, bus companies can better plan their vehicle capacity and optimize their operational efficiency.
  • Customer loyalty: By offering a more satisfying and convenient ticket purchase experience, bus companies can build customer loyalty, incentivize repeat purchases, and achieve higher long-term traveler retention.

A key to achieving success in your eCommerce is the ability to listen to what your travelers are interested in and adapt it to your online sales channels.

That’s why at Reservamos SaaS, we work closely with each of our allies and brands that integrate our technology into their digital channels. This way, we can provide a satisfying experience for travelers and increase the competitiveness of bus companies.

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