Reservamos SaaS introduces Thiego Paes as Country Manager for Brazil

Reservamos SaaS introduces Thiego Paes as Country Manager for Brazil

April 22, 2024

Written by Marisol Morelos

With this new appointment, Reservamos SaaS strengthens its presence in Brazil, and advances its commitment to drive the digital evolution of the bus sector throughout the Latam region. 

At Reservamos SaaS we are committed to the mission of leading the digital transformation of the bus sector in the Latin American region.

As part of our expansion and strengthening phase, we remain on a mission to develop the technology and attract the talent needed to guide bus companies towards digital growth.

That is why, as of April 22nd, we announced the integration of Thiego Paes to Reservamos SaaS as Country Manager for Brazil. Fernando Aguilera, who had been in this position, will continue to lead the company’s expansion through special projects, which we will share soon.

Thiego joins Reservamos SaaS to leverage efforts in culture, team, markets and technology. Since our official entry into Brazil in January 2023, we have cultivated trusted relationships with the main players in the sector, based on our knowledge and experience. We are currently in advanced stages of implementation and development with large companies in Brazil, accompanying their digital evolution and expansion. In 2024, we will consolidate our presence in Mexico, Colombia and Brazil and we will also start operations in other countries in the region, such as Chile and Peru, thus strengthening our presence and commitment to the growth of the industry. 

Thiego’s track record in mobility and transportation issues in the region is extensive, highlighting its 11 years of growth and leadership in TAM and its participation in the creation of what is now Latam Airlines. Within the bus sector, he began his career with Grupo JCA, one of the largest holding companies in Brazil, owner of brands such as Cometa, 1001, Catarinense and Expresso do Sul. His contribution was mainly focused on driving the sector forward, through the adoption of new technologies, the implementation of changes in operational processes, and the introduction of new brands to the market.

His most recent experience was the creation and conformation of the brand wemobi, a 100% digital bus company, created by Grupo JCA to face a new trend of online competitors. There, Thiego started as Project Manager, until reaching the General Management. Among his achievements is the publication by the MIT Technology Review Magazine of Brazil, in which he highlights wemobi as a success story for its revenue growth, based on the implementation of Reservamos SaaS Revenue Management technology. 

Why choose Reservamos SaaS as a technological partner?

Thiego began his work experience in the airline industry, which while its main focus is on customers and technology to improve the travel experience, also faces financial challenges due to high operational and fleet renewal costs, as well as excessive centralization in a few technology providers. These limitations restrict opportunities for innovation in the sector.

By migrating to the bus sector, Thiego set itself the goal of driving a technological transformation within Grupo JCA, in order to generate a high impact. At wemobi, he opened the doors to digital growth in one of the most important mobility industries, such as passenger ground transportation in Brazil. This commitment to digital evolution brings him to Reservamos SaaS. 

Upon learning about Reservamos SaaS and the vision of its founders, I was impressed by its potential to transform the bus industry globally and in Latin America. I decided to join the team to support from the inside this innovative strategy, which promises lasting change. I felt a strong connection with their vision and focus on adding value through technology, which is reflected in the tangible results they deliver to the companies that trust them. – Thiego Paes, Country Manager for Brazil at Reservamos SaaS.

Thiego acknowledges that in this new position he has a lot to learn as he sees Reservamos SaaS as a technology expert. He shares that he is motivated by the idea of learning more about how the solutions that make up the Reservamos SaaS technology ecosystem are evolving. 

Challenges and vision of the bus sector in Brazil

According to Thiego, the Brazilian bus sector is going through a major change due to the arrival of new platforms, a new regulatory framework and changes in customer behavior.

In recent years, the market was very focused on combating illegality, suffered the impacts of the pandemic, and spending so many hours and energy on these issues slowed down its advances in technology, to take care of and get to know the customer better. Making this move on its own is not fast, is not simple and is still not efficient, because it is something outside its core business, or that generates high costs, at a time of market recovery and need for fleet renewal -Thiego Paes, Country Manager for Brazil at Reservamos SaaS. 

One of the main challenges, according to Thiego, will be to show bus companies the investments in technology and their results in an efficient way, and to give access to better solutions, with global impact.

We must show how our technology can change the strategy and the future of this sector. -Thiego Paes, Country Manager for Brazil at Reservamos SaaS. 

Reservamos SaaS technology is developed from Mexico, one of the best IT training centers in the world, with specialized talent, capable of understanding and adapting to the challenges and needs of the world’s main markets. Reservamos SaaS has put experts within reach of Brazilian companies, in order to accelerate their digital innovation, and compete with new business models, focused on online sales. 

In this sense, Thiego considers Reservamos SaaS to be a technological ecosystem with the capacity to offer solutions and tools for all types of companies, with a value proposition aimed at accompanying the sector and connecting it with the best opportunities for growth.

To meet the challenges in the bus sector, Thiego believes that two best practices implemented in the airline sector can be taken up again:

  1. Support from within, with training and support in change management processes and product management. Putting a lot of focus on PMO (Project Management Office) positions, in order to ensure that the technological tools or solutions are working and are in line with the needs of the market and the companies.
  1. Taking care of customers. Customer Centricity with B2B is needed. Bus companies face challenges to have the best teams to manage technology. With the help of a specialized partner, companies can accelerate their ability to innovate and streamline their implementation processes. 

Proposals for Reservamos SaaS

Thiego’s main focus at Reservamos SaaS will be to promote Customer Success, Change Management and digital strategies for the bus industry in Brazil. 

In addition to opening spaces for exchange and conversation between the various stakeholders of the companies, to meet their customers, permeate to each area of the bus companies, show the impact and importance of betting on digitization, and generate the best possible service.

The challenges of the sector take a lot of energy from the operators, and all the changes in regulation, customer behavior and the market generate the need for a very big focus on their core business. As a change agent, we can bring a granular technology strategy, so that stakeholders know that they have access to one of the best technologies globally, for a sector that for many years has been facing broad and structural challenges. Explain to them that technology is at the service of business strategy, an expertise with which we can support them. -Thiego Paes, Country Manager for Brazil at Reservamos SaaS. 

Thiego’s main proposal is to enable them to understand the 360° impact of technology in cost savings, profit increase and efficiency in all areas. They should know how the technology offered by Reservamos SaaS generates a unique impact on the future of their business. Therefore, he wants conversations with potential partners to be focused not on how a product works, but on how a solution from this technological ecosystem could change their business forever. 

What I can contribute from the first minute is to support our partners so that they have a comprehensive vision of how a market analysis product, together with customized analysis of their customers, enables them to make operational decisions with cost savings, beyond channel efficiency. As well as keeping their customers loyal with a simple and customized AI experience, developed in the best technology centers in the world. And that all of this is accessible through the Reservamos SaaS ecosystem. -Thiego Paes, Country Manager for Brazil at Reservamos SaaS. 

Thiego highlights the relevance of exchanging best practices and sharing the positive impact experienced by the main bus companies in the region, which today consider Reservamos SaaS their strategic ally, and demonstrating through success stories how the digital evolution of the bus sector is being driven. 

At Reservamos SaaS we have a lot of technology. I think that positioning ourselves as an agent of change in the transportation segment is a goal I will be committed to in the coming years. -Thiego Paes, Country Manager for Brazil at Reservamos SaaS. 

At Reservamos SaaS, we remain committed to strengthening ties with companies in the sector in Brazil by expanding and strengthening our team and implementing a service and support structure that benefits our partners. In addition, we keep our eyes on new countries and continents, following our global growth plan.

We are confident that, with Thiego’s extensive experience and innovative vision, we will successfully lead new initiatives that will drive growth and technological evolution in the bus sector in Brazil. We are excited about the future that lies ahead and are confident that, hand in hand with our partners and allies, we will achieve great milestones in this important industry.

The incorporation of Thiego Paes as Country Manager for Brazil at Reservamos SaaS marks an important step in strengthening our presence in the country, and reaffirms our commitment to the digital evolution of the bus sector worldwide.

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