Greyhound Success Story

Greyhound bus line achieves a +60% increase in online sales in less than 2 years.

June 13, 2023

Written by Beatriz Ladrón

The ideal eCommerce to conquer new markets

Greyhound, one of the leading bus companies with operations in the United States, Canada, Australia, England, and Mexico, trusted Reservamos to launch its online sales channel in the Hispanic market, which concentrates on routes between Mexico and the south of the United States.

Smart platforms for smart travelers 

Greyhound had specific needs and goals that ranged from generating data intelligence to helping them make decisions, making their online sales channel the highest percentage of total ticket sales.

The Reservamos SaaS technology helped Greyhound analyze user behavior, create advanced sales strategies, partner with other companies to connect destinations, and develop marketing strategies to drive users to its website.

The eCommerce solution allows Greyhound to have an effective service that provides a high conversion rate, an optimized purchase funnel, and a friendly user interface and experience, accompanied by continuous support to achieve sales goals.

Competitive and differentiated eCommerce

The series of modules from the eCommerce solution enabled Greyhound to offer a more flexible, dynamic experience for digital travelers.

Greyhound analyzed user behavior, integrated eCommerce into their loyalty program, and joined the most popular payment methods and anti-fraud functions. And made strategic alliances with the Estrella Blanca bus line to connect destinations.

Another benefit was that by having sales in advance for online purchases, Greyhound used the data generated to understand the traveler better and personalize the experience with the help of our analytical module, which is key to its current operations. Through a better understanding of the traveler, they have refined their strategies in operations, marketing, and communication by providing personalized service.

Personalized innovation

Among the great advantages of Reservamos SaaS eCommerce for Greyhound was to customize it and integrate solutions according to their needs.

Impact achieved:

  • Fare Classes
    • An innovation developed by the Reservamos SaaS team together with Greyhound was the creation of fare classes. When choosing a destination and time, each schedule shows three rates differentiated by prices and benefits, divided into Economic, Extra Economic, and Flexible, the last with the greatest benefit for the traveler.
  • Online sales
    • The Greyhound bus line has increased the percentage of online sales by +60% in less than 2 years.
  • Average transaction value
    • Since the implementation of the online sales channel, the average transaction value has been increasing year after year, with a 5x growth since the start of online sales.
  • Mobile devices
    • The mobile web channel has represented the highest growth in sales, thanks to its technology and usability on any mobile device. The Reservamos SaaS team decided to implement Android and iOS applications to migrate their travelers to a higher converting channel. Currently, 50% of online sales are on mobile devices. Furthermore, these Apps have a rating of 4.4 on Android, 4.3 on iOS, and +9K downloads altogether.
  • Payment approval rate
    • At Reservamos SaaS, we managed to reach a rate of 96%, maintaining an average payment approval rate of 83% with an upward trend.
  • Percentage of chargebacks (fraud)
    • Thanks to our technology, experience, and continued collaboration with Greyhound and the payment gateways, they achieved an average of less than 1% in chargebacks in the last three years.

Implemented strategies:

  • Use of dynamic prices.
  • Offer discounts every day, and reduced prices.
  • Move terminals closer to urban areas with a high residential concentration, avoiding city centers.
  • Establish a strong presence in digital media.

Guiding the growth and success of the bus lines’ digital channels means working closely with them to innovate and offer solutions that adapt to the digital travelers’ needs. It is essential to understand the users’ interaction when looking for and purchasing their bus tickets to create dynamic solutions that adapt to what travelers require.

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