Since late 2022 and throughout this year, our product, Revenue Management, and development teams have focused on making BrainPROS a dynamic and user-friendly tool for our partners.
One of them is Roll&Bits, a 100% digital Mexican ground transportation company that has experienced significant growth in 2023. Each update we develop stems from constant and close monitoring that our experts carry out with every allied bus company. This allows us to identify opportunities that streamline various operational processes.
For Roll&Bits, the innovations made to BrainPROS have resulted in significant growth in their total revenue. But what are the different modules of BrainPROS and their updates all about?
We’ve created this infographic to guide you through BrainPROS and the process Roll&Bits followed to optimize its operation and increase its revenue. Additionally, you can click on it to read the complete success story.

Read the complete success story here.