Primera Plus bus line achieves a 52% conversion rate through its app

Primera Plus bus line achieves a 52% conversion rate through its app

November 24, 2022

Written by Beatriz Ladrón

The journey towards box office digitization

With a range of routes throughout central and western Mexico, Grupo Flecha Amarilla faced the challenge of boosting its digital channels and creating a successful omnichannel experience for its Primera Plus bus line.

This challenge also had an important impact on their marketing strategy, since they needed to create a full experience to boost downloads of their application and increase the conversion rate.

The digital leap

With the help of Reservamos Saas technology, in 2018 Primera Plus began its journey towards digitizing its box office. The first step was to carry out an A/B Test to test the performance of the Primera Plus page against the Reservamos SaaS e-commerce solution. This was done by dividing the traffic from the brand’s standard sales funnel and the e-commerce created by Reservamos SaaS by 50%, respectively.

During the A/B Test period, Reservamos SaaS e-commerce doubled the number of transactions starting from the same traffic base. At the end of the test, Primera Plus decided to implement the e-commerce solution, with the aim of strengthening its digital channel and increasing its conversion rate, through an optimized purchase funnel and a friendly user experience. This was reflected in an increase in the volume of transactions by +50% compared to the same period of the previous year.

Based on the good results obtained, at the end of that same year, Primera Plus started a second stage to bring all the functions of its e-commerce and make them available to the mobile devices of its travelers, through the Apps solution from Reservamos SaaS.

This helped Primera Plus to standardize all channels under the same technology, developed exclusively for the bus sector, and maintain control of its digital operation. In addition to offering greater benefits to its travelers, and receiving constant support from the Reservamos SaaS team.

The same experience wherever you are

The biggest challenge for Primera Plus was to offer the same level of purchasing experience both on its website and on the mobile app. In addition, to have the technology that would allow the app to be ranked among the best rated in the industry, both in Android and iOS operating systems.

The Reservamos SaaS team focused on offering the same functionalities, to make the shopping experience for travelers easier, more dynamic, and more flexible. In this way, it was possible to build an omnichannel strategy that allowed the bus line to maintain effective and unique communication with its traveler, through all available platforms.

Starting with the optimization of the shopping experience, the Primera Plus Marketing team focused its communication efforts on promoting the download of the mobile app and thus directing traffic from the website to the app. The performance of the app created by Reservamos SaaS generated an average growth of 70% in apps downloaded for iOS and 35% for Android.

The challenge of connecting with digital travelers

In just two years, Primera Plus went from having an app with a 3.5 rating in app stores to reaching 79% of users who rated the version of the app developed by Reservamos SaaS with five stars. In addition, the recurrence of visits and purchases by the same user over time has been greater through the app; since on average they have more than 100% retention than any other digital channel.

Through the implementation of Reservamos SaaS tools and solutions, the Primera Plus app started with a 26% conversion rate, and as it spread among travelers, it reached a 52% conversion rate.

From the beginning, Primera Plus’s strategy has been focused on taking its traveler to a flexible, dynamic purchasing experience. 

Through technology capable of adapting to their needs, and above all, simplifying processes to give them what the traveler needs so much, the time to enjoy their trip.

Reservamos SaaS is that ally, which helps bus lines to transform the purchasing experience, make it easier and solve travelers’ lives, from the moment they start their search until the end of their trip.

Contact us at [email protected], and let your bus company be part of this digital transformation.

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