Women in ux design

Women driving UX/UI design at Reservamos SaaS

March 12, 2024

Written by Marisol Morelos

Learn how women drive UX/UI design at Reservamos SaaS, creating intuitive and accessible digital experiences for any user.

It is very common that in our day to day we interact with applications or websites to send messages, transfer money, buy a product, check our social networks. But how do we achieve those pleasant experiences by easily interacting with the digital products we use in our daily lives?

Behind these interactions there are people who are dedicated to facilitating the use of applications to avoid any friction. These are UX/UI designers who have the job of designing experiences that are embodied in applications and websites that we use every day, from banking applications, pages to book accommodation, streaming platforms or even in any type of eCommerce. 

But before moving forward it is important to know, what is UX and UI design? The UX (User Experience), according to the UX en Español, is a set of processes, techniques, methods and methodologies, with which digital or physical products are developed.

While UI (User Interface) is defined as the design of interfaces that help create a point of communication between users and the digital product, such as an application or a website for eCommerce. 

At Reservamos SaaS we have an eCommerce platform for the bus sector, whose purpose is to transform the direct sales channel of the companies, so that more travelers can purchase their tickets online without complications and securely. 

Behind this technology there are several teams working to offer a digital sales channel that adapts to the needs of each bus company and travelers. One of those teams is the Product Designer team, where there are UX/UI designers who work together to offer the best user experience. 

At Reservamos SaaS, UX and UI is female-driven 

Teresa Carbajal, product designer at Reservamos SaaS, shares that in her almost 2 years on the team it has been a very pleasant experience and one that she has enjoyed because of the changes and the constant search to find the path that generates the greatest impact among users.

“It can be a challenge because we have to think very carefully about what we are going to design that will really help users, that is user-friendly and that they like. I think that’s part of the challenge of understanding the users and offering solutions that they really enjoy.” Teresa Carbajal, product designer. 

Aurora Chapa, UX/UI designer at Reservamos SaaS, comments that in UX/UI design there are so many things involved that there is never time to get bored. 

“You can spend some time on the methodological part of UX, research or copy. You literally never get bored. That’s very cool.” Aurora Chapa, UX/UI designer.

For her part, Brenda Orozco says that she always wanted to work developing applications, although she studied graphic design. 

“My first job was as a UI designer. Fortunately I fell in love with different stages of design: copywriting, design, programming, component interaction. In Reservamos SaaS I totally evolved because it was not only something visual, but I had to see programming. I always dreamed of making applications from scratch, and it’s a dream that has somehow been fulfilled here at Reservamos SaaS.” Brenda Orozco, UX/UI designer. 

How is the UX/UI design process at Reservamos SaaS?

Lilibeth Ramirez, product manager at Reservamos SaaS, describes that when a customer requirement arrives at the product level, the first thing they do is talk to the design team because they have the full experience of thinking about usability and the experience the user can have. 

Lilibeth comments that there are not users of a specific age, but of many ages and you have to think about them when designing. This implies knowing if the typography is correct, if they will be able to follow the sequence to which users are already accustomed, or if it is necessary to improve it without affecting the experience.

“That work is done very well by the design team. We have been thinking about comments that people have shared with us. For example, they often thank us for extending the purchase time, because they are older people and it is difficult for them to complete the purchase in a certain time, because we chose to put the font larger, or they tell us that the purchase flow is very good and simple for them. That is a great motivation for us and tells us that we are on the right track.” Lilibeth Ramirez, product manager. 

Alejandra Castro, product designer at Reservamos SaaS, says that end users range from 18 years old to seniors. So they have to think about how they are going to make the process clear to everyone, or the interactions with the product they are designing. 

“Those challenges are the ones that have caught my attention and that older people do not have the same interaction as digital natives.” Alejandra Castro, product designer. 

In that sense, Lilibeth Ramirez shares the importance of thinking about people who do not constantly use technology, or those who may be delayed in doing a process. 

Knowing the users is an important part of this process. 

“Not only do you know the user, the brands also have a very high level of expertise in the business. We also listen to the brands, because they have been doing a lot of years doing a job and they know their users. Asking both the brands who are the direct customer and also the end users who are indirect, but they are the ones who use the tool and who we impact with our work. This helps to make a good product.” Lilibeth Ramirez, product manager. 

Impact of UX/UI design on end users

Aurora Chapa mentions the relevance of analyzing user behavior within each eCommerce of our allies, to know with certainty how many people complete an online ticket purchase process. Thanks to data analysis, they can measure the impact that their UX/UI design work has on the end users, who are the travelers. 

“It’s quite satisfying the fact that it’s our work and it stays behind the curtains, but it impacts a lot of people and the overall metrics of the company. It’s a pretty satisfying thing and it makes you feel good about yourself.” Aurora Chapa, UX/UI designer.

The product designer team analyzes how the user behaves using the applications developed for our partners in order to draw conclusions in addition to the analysis of the data generated in the interaction with the digital sales channels of each partner brand.

There is a hard work of analyzing metrics and feedback to know how to improve or add to the product.

“Something cool is that we make decisions based on facilitating access and interactivity. It’s very inspiring to keep creating these experiences and make them more intuitive and accessible.” Teresa Carbajal, product designer. 

Advancement of women in technology 

Regarding the incursion of women in the technology sector, all agree that there has been progress, but there is still a long way to go for more women to study careers related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, classified by its acronym in English as STEM.

With regard to the technology sector in Mexico, only 10% of people dedicated to programming or software development, 14% of ICT professionals and 15% of professionals in new technologies are women, according to a study published by Laboratoria with the support of SAP.

In the academic field, women are slightly better represented, but constitute only 34% of the faculty involved in technological research. 

“Here in Mexico we need to publicize what we do in UX/UI, because not all people know about it. We also need to get rid of these prejudices of thinking that studying technology is more for men. We are already in this field of technology, and hence the importance of making our work more visible so that people know about it.” Alejandra Castro, product designer.

A study published by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) showed that 35% of the country’s population believes that men are more suitable for scientific and technological professions than women.

“Many women are not encouraged to enter these STEM careers due to a lack of role models.Many women are discouraged from entering STEM careers due to a lack of references, because they do not have as many references or do not know as many success stories, they become demotivated and choose another type of career. We, who are in the sector, could make this change and get rid of our shyness to inspire other girls in the technological field. So that they don’t underestimate themselves and enter this exciting path”, Aurora Chapa, UX/UI designer.

Aurora recommends them not to be afraid of failure and not doing things right the first time. She believes that for that there are junior positions that allow them to learn and forge their career. 

For her part, Teresa recommends that they take advantage of online learning opportunities and look for projects to practice and apply what they are learning. 

“Don’t be afraid to try new things and ask for feedback with mentors.” Teresa Carbajal, product designer. 

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