A/B Test methodology

Reservamos SaaS implements A/B Test methodology to launch new features in eCommerce 

April 26, 2024

Written by Marisol Morelos

Discover how Reservamos SaaS, through its Core product team, implements technological innovations in the bus sector with the help of the A/B Test methodology. 

Developing new functionalities within a technological solution involves analyzing different factors, such as user behavior, market trends, best practices in UI/UX, and adoption of new technologies, among others. 

At Reservamos SaaS we work to provide innovation for our partners in each solution implemented in their companies. To do so, we have a Core product team to work on new functionalities within the eCommerce platform.

The Core product team is in charge of adding different innovations within the roadmap of the bus companies with Reservamos SaaS as a technological partner. 

Within its development process, this technology squad launches tests of those functionalities, to ensure their success, provide a better service to travelers, and increase the bus companies’ revenues. 

Our Core product team is working to bring additional functionalities to our partners’ roadmap, resulting in more innovation than they are demanding. -Óscar Jiménez, product manager at Reservamos SaaS.

The A/B Test methodology enables the Core product team to evaluate two variants fairly under a controlled population segment.

It speaks very well of a company that implements this type of methodology. We are unbiased when making a decision. You put two variants in the competition and evaluate which one performs better. -Óscar Jiménez, product manager at Reservamos SaaS.

The Reservamos SaaS Core product team stands out for its commitment to continuous innovation and constant improvement of the functionalities offered to its partners in the bus sector. Implementing the A/B Test methodology emerges as a fundamental pillar in this process, enabling an impartial and accurate evaluation of the new features introduced in the technological ecosystem.

What is A/B Test?

The A/B Test, also known as the A/B test or split test, is a methodology used in digital marketing and data analysis to compare two versions of an element, such as a website, a mobile app, an email, or an ad; to determine which one is more effective in terms of reaching a predetermined goal, such as conversions, click-through rates or sales.

In an A/B test, the audience is randomly divided into two groups: the control group, which views the original version (A), and the test group, which views a different version (B), which may vary in a specific aspect, such as the color of a button, the text of an ad or the layout of a page. The groups’ results are compared to determine which version generates better target metric results.

This approach is crucial for enhancing user experience and making data-driven decisions in the digital world. It helps us determine which modifications are more impactful and result in better outcomes, enabling us to refine our strategies and achieve better performance over time.

Through the A/B Test, a fair comparison between variants is achieved, which facilitates the identification of those that generate better performance and, therefore, a more satisfactory experience for end users. 

This data-driven approach optimizes user experience and supports informed decision-making and continuous strategy improvement at Reservamos SaaS.

How is the A/B Test applied in Reservamos SaaS?

A couple of weeks ago, the Core product team launched the redesign of the results screen displayed when a user searches for bus tickets in our allies’ eCommerce. 

One of the main changes to the screen is that seats are shown when there is a sense of urgency, i.e. when there are less than 6 seats available.

For this new functionality, the Core product team worked with the help of the A/B Test methodology to evaluate the results of the redesign. For example, Óscar says that when they tested this functionality they had 50% of users who could see the new results screen and the other 50% with the old version of the screen. 

Here what we were interested in measuring was, out of that number of people, how many went on to an attempt to buy, i.e. I am interested in choosing a travel schedule for the funnel process. -Óscar Jimenez, product manager at Reservamos SaaS.

In this experiment, according to Oscar, the number they were most interested in measuring was the percentage of users who completed a purchase. “He also mentions that this methodology is useful in eliminating biases like seasonality. For instance, conducting the A/B test during the peak season helped remove any bias regarding the reasons why one variant may be better than the other.”

The value of the A/B test is that it removes biases so you can determine when a feature you changed performed better or worse. We achieved excellent results with our A/B tests of the new improvements. -Oscar Jimenez, product manager at Reservamos SaaS.

Before conducting an A/B test, the Core product team aligns with partner companies to ensure they are informed of the methodology and metrics. From the first day of the launch, the data is monitored and its evolution is communicated to the bus companies.

One of the defining qualities of the Core product team is our willingness to try new things and implement significant alterations to the funnel or product. This is done to improve or understand which hypotheses can be improved. Beyond the result on the results screen, the A/B Test allows us to experiment in a safe and reliable way. -Óscar Jiménez, product manager at Reservamos SaaS.

Why is it important to perform an A/B Test?

According to Oscar, the importance of the A/B Test is that it allows the Core product team to perform a fairer analysis of the performance and success of a functionality.

You should perform the task simultaneously, under identical conditions, and among a well-defined and segmented percentage of users. -Óscar Jiménez, product manager at Reservamos SaaS.

Bus companies that lack robust technology teams can benefit greatly from implementing A/B testing. Rápido Ochoa is an example of a company that has taken advantage of new functionalities such as the search widget, with recommendations of recent searches, the autocomplete feature, and the new results screen.

For them, it is a very positive evolution. With this, we can democratize the functionalities of all our partners in Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, and Peru, ensuring that A/B tests have an impact on everyone. It is recommended to conduct A/B tests in other markets, even if the functionality is the same. -Óscar Jiménez, product manager at Reservamos SaaS.

In summary, the A/B test is an effective tool for continuous improvement and a great example of how technology and collaboration can drive growth and innovation in the bus industry.

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