With BrainPROS, you receive key market data directly to your email

With BrainPROS, you receive key market data directly to your email

Introducing bulk data download to facilitate market analysis.

One of the most valuable assets for effective Revenue Management strategies is the data and information that companies have to enhance the accuracy of their decisions.

BrainPROS provides that accuracy to bus companies by providing answers to their market questions. One of the features that facilitate analysis for our partners is bulk data download. This allows operational teams to download a single file with all the configured market routes from the Competitor Monitor within a specified period of time, based on the company’s monitoring needs.

Data download is among the top 5 actions performed by our partners in BrainPROS. Therefore, we aim to provide a simpler, more practical, and efficient way to make the information generated by BrainPROS available to operational teams, so that it can be transferred to their internal analysis services and tools.

In addition to downloading individual reports based on a company’s search in the Competitor Monitor to generate summarized and detailed reports, now they can also perform a bulk download to:

  • Download information and data without the need for a prior search.
  • Select multiple routes and filters in a simple or detailed manner, depending on the information they want to analyze.
  • Directly download their reports and receive a link with the generated report in their email.

This way, we ensure that we have reports ready when our partners need them. The answers about your market have never been clearer and faster with the help of BrainPROS and the Competitor Monitor.

The Pricing Strategy module will save you time and increase your revenue

The Pricing Strategy module will save you time and increase your revenue

Access the future of smart pricing today, with the help of BrainPROS.

BrainPROS is a Revenue Management solution, created to provide answers to key questions about your market, in a simpler and more effective way. Through its different modules, your company can create smarter pricing strategies, based on factors such as demand, occupancy, and purchase anticipation, and thus generate more revenue. 

One of the modules that integrate BrainPROS is Pricing Strategy. This module allows your company to apply smart pricing to your routes in a more dynamic and agile way. Using factors such as schedules, dates, availability, and priority, you can create a pricing strategy that drives higher sales in the destinations of your choice.  

By creating a pricing strategy in a more efficient way you will see essential benefits for your company, such as: 

  • Load your prices and discounts in a faster and more massive way. What used to take days, with BrainPROS can take a few hours!
  • Mitigate errors and reduce the time it takes to upload prices to your eCommerce. 
  • Increased focus of your operational teams on developing strategies that generate more revenue. 
  • Modify and edit your smart prices according to market and traveler behavior. 
  • Boost the increase in tickets sold, occupancy, and of course, revenue.
  • Higher profitability on each route.
  • More competitive average fares. 

And mainly, an increase in anticipation of purchase, which will trigger the following: 

  • A greater loyalty of your travelers and frequent purchases, since you will encourage your traveler to better plan their trips and look for the best price.
  • Your operations team will be able to improve the planning and organization of each route and schedule to generate additional revenue. 

Access the future of smart pricing today. 

The best thing about BrainPROS is that it fits your business. Regardless of whether or not you have a Revenue Management area, with the help of our team and technology, you will have at your fingertips and in the same tool the power to increase your revenue and improve the profitability of each trip, in each of your routes and schedules.

IAMSA renews its fleet and we renew its eCommerce

IAMSA renews its fleet and we renew its eCommerce

We integrate a bus scheme with +100 seats into IAMSA’s eCommerce.

In Reservamos SaaS, we understand the importance of bus companies having fleets of vehicles equipped with the best technology. From safer and more comfortable buses to increased capacity to meet the demand of travelers.

In this regard, fleet renewal represents an opportunity for any bus company to attract more users who are willing to experience more comfortable and pleasant journeys. However, this doesn’t have to become a headache when it comes to updating a bus company’s eCommerce.

Recently, the Mexican company Grupo IAMSA introduced double-decker vehicles with over 100 seats to its fleet under different brands. This led the development and product team at Reservamos SaaS to adapt a new seating diagram on each bus line’s eCommerce platform to display the newly available seating capacity.

This way, travelers can easily and efficiently go through the purchasing process. When selecting their destination and schedule, they can see a diagram and a legend indicating the number of available seats. They can then choose their preferred floor and seat.

A crucial part of the dynamism of the Reservamos SaaS eCommerce platform and the experience our technology teams have in the bus sector is the agile innovation to showcase to travelers the benefits of choosing partners who have our technology in their eCommerce.

In ETN-Turistar the 🐶🐱 also travel by bus

In ETN-Turistar the 🐶🐱 also travel by bus

The Mexican bus line adds the Pet-Friendly ancillary to its eCommerce to connect with travelers who love to include their furry companions in the adventure.

More and more people around the world are looking for tourism and transportation alternatives that allow them to travel with their pets, and they are willing to pay higher amounts to include their furry friends in their adventures. In Latin America, countries such as Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia have the highest number of households with pets.

In Mexico, the bus company ETN-Turistar, which is part of the IAMSA Group, has implemented Ancillary Pet Friendly, enabling routes with seats so that travelers can include their pets in the journey.

During the purchase process on the ETN-Turistar eCommerce platform, travelers can see the seating diagram with available pet-friendly seats and choose the most suitable one. Upon completing the purchase, pets are identified as passengers on the travel ticket and occupy a seat next to their owner. Similarly, travelers can view these seats and choose the one that best suits their preferences.

The Reservamos SaaS technology and the support of our technology team allow bus companies like ETN-Turistar to adapt their eCommerce platforms to integrate this and other ancillaries, offering unique and innovative travel experiences to their passengers. They can even increase their attractiveness and competitiveness compared to other sectors that have limited this offer, such as airlines.

Through ancillaries such as Pet-Friendly, bus companies can differentiate themselves from their competition, improve traveler satisfaction and loyalty, increase profitability, and diversify their income through additional services that travelers are willing to pay for!

If you also want your company to stay innovative, at Reservamos SaaS we can provide you with the most appropriate advice to help your bus company stand out in the market and better connect with travelers.

The Highest Payment Acceptance Rate in the Industry

The Highest Payment Acceptance Rate in the Industry

At Reservamos SaaS we raised our clients’ payment acceptance rate by +15 points, reaching rates above 80%; while we kept the fraud levels and chargebacks practically at 0%. Do you want to know how we achieved it?

The holiday seasons have once again had significant flows of travelers who are eager to go out and visit their favorite destinations. And now more travelers seek to plan and complete their purchases through the digital sales channel. However, many times we find bus companies afraid to grow their eCommerce due to the challenge of accepting payments and the ability to reduce chargeback levels.

And the big question that arises when peak sales seasons arrive is, how to guarantee safer transactions for both passengers and bus companies. At Reservamos SaaS we achieve two great goals. On the one hand, so far this year the payment acceptance rate has registered a gradual growth, reaching 15 points above the average, while fraud levels have been practically 0%. Even during high season, which usually shows a drop of 3% in the risk acceptance rate compared to the number of transactions, it maintained its growth, minimizing the risks for customers.

How did we do it?

Raising online sales does not have to represent a headache for bus companies. Limiting the digital sales channel growth by fearing high fraud levels and chargebacks is a serious mistake that reduces company competitiveness. Today the market demands greater access to simple purchasing processes and from the comfort of any mobile device.

Two key factors influence achieving safer sales. First, implementing control and measurement tools for payment attempts is required. And the second factor, and perhaps more important, is the experience in the use of these tools.

This experience has allowed us to develop actions such as:

  • User profiling.
  • Risk control strategies before the high season.
  • Creation of personalized error messages for users, which would allow them to know the reason for the failure in a transaction and follow up on it: “Insufficient funds” or “Contact your bank to review your operation”.

In Mexico, the industry-standard payment acceptance rate is below 65%. At Reservamos SaaS we have managed to raise that minimum average above 75%, reaching numbers above 80% and maintaining the percentage of chargebacks at almost 0%.

In Colombia, the average rate also went from 60% to 75%. In this case, in addition to the previously mentioned actions, we improved the funnel with the most used payment method called PSE Avanza. That made it possible to guarantee much safer and more efficient operations.

Market understanding and good risk management are essential when seeking to optimize performance in the digital sales channel.

Pamela López, Head of Payments & Risk.

At Reservamos SaaS, analyzing and improving every aspect of our eCommerce platform is essential. And the payment stage is essential during the sales funnel, as travelers choose the brands and companies with which they can connect more quickly, easily, and efficiently.

Part of our digital transformation requires having a team and talent capable of knowing and anticipating market behavior and thus proposing innovative solutions that allow us to maintain a strengthening of our clients’ eCommerce, regardless of the level of demand they have. That is why at Reservamos SaaS we have developed a technological infrastructure specially designed so that bus companies can grow their eCommerce and connect with digital travelers through them.