Learn about best practices in the bus industry
A business that has revolutionized intercity transport and continues to grow!
According to Statista, Mexico has more than 96 million online users, and the number of digital buyers in the country exceeds 60...
We develop technology that accelerates the present and secures the future of your bus company
We are committed to making passenger ground transportation a more efficient means of mobility, both for your operations and...
ReserBoard. Interview with Félix Velázquez, Director of Ancillary, Pricing, and Revenue Management at Viva Aerobus.
Technology is essential for revenue development and management, and its use is directly proportional to business outcomes. –...
Innovation and Technology: Our AI Hackathon
In some way, I feel that the future of our jobs will be similar to this Hackathon process. Lots of brainstorming and discussions...
Greyhound bus line achieves a +60% increase in online sales in less than 2 years.
The ideal eCommerce to conquer new markets Greyhound, one of the leading bus companies with operations in the United States,...
The Highest Payment Acceptance Rate in the Industry
At Reservamos SaaS we raised our clients' payment acceptance rate by +15 points, reaching rates above 80%; while we kept the...
Reservamos SaaS Board of Advisors
When starting any project, a determining factor for its success is to surround oneself with expert voices that help make more...
Advantages of having an app to connect with your travelers
Why should your business have an App and what are its benefits? According to the report “The State of App Marketing Latin...
The foundation for success and innovation is diversity
We spoke with Endeavor Mexico's team about their efforts within the entrepreneurial ecosystem to continue promoting the...