We develop technology that accelerates the present and secures the future of your bus company

We develop technology that accelerates the present and secures the future of your bus company

We are committed to making passenger ground transportation a more efficient means of mobility, both for your operations and sales. 

A few days ago, I participated in the Mexico edition of the Busworld Virtual Tour, which traveled through several Latin American countries in recent months to address various challenges faced by the bus sector, aiming to enhance its competitiveness and sustained growth.

This dialogue exercise left me with several ideas we couldn’t explore fully during the discussion due to time constraints. Therefore, I decided to write these words to focus on a fundamental question:

What is my vision of the sector’s future, and how do I believe it will evolve?

We have realized two key aspects: 1) Travelers are seeking increasingly agile, secure, and personalized digital purchasing experiences, and 2) bus companies need to innovate to remain competitive and retain market share.

In the latter point, I identify three scenarios from my perspective:

Reservamos SaaS has focused on developing an entire technological ecosystem specialized for businesses and their sales channels, providing better tools for their strategies and enabling them to have as much information as possible about their travelers and the market. This has led to bus companies growing their digital sales by nearly 4x through their own eCommerce and mobile applications, which we have created and maintained with our support.

Why should bus companies invest in strengthening their digital channels?

  1. In many countries, I have observed a situation of high dependence on external digital sales channels, such as OTAs and Marketplaces. In some cases, these external channels even manage the websites of bus companies without a clear focus on individual objectives.
  2. One of the greatest assets for companies is the data they can analyze based on their travelers’ behavior. However, this data is often underutilized due to a lack of knowledge and tools, which hinders the possibility of turning that advantage into growth-driving strategies.
  3. In recent years, we have seen a significant fragmentation in the sector, as well as significant consolidations and new business models, focused on the digital experience, leading to increased competition, but also represents a risk for the sector. That’s why accelerating innovation is the difference between reaching the finish line or falling out of the race.
  4. Having an eCommerce platform is not enough if it lacks updates in line with market trends, traveler preferences, and new technologies. Emerging tools like AI are here to stay, and it’s crucial to harness all their benefits and tailor them to provide more personalized experiences for each traveler.

At Reservamos SaaS, our goal is to help bus companies have more travelers in waiting rooms than at ticket counters.

We have assisted our allies in increasing their sales through digital channels. We have successful cases where digital sales represent from 25% to 40% of total sales for a company. Additionally, we achieve a 90% occupancy rate and a +7 days advance purchase. The mobile applications we have developed boast high conversion rates, ratings above 4.5 stars, and organic acquisition of new users exceeding 10%.

Companies that have adopted Revenue Management technological tools, like the ones we have developed, drive greater operational optimization and benefits such as advance purchase, higher occupancy, and market understanding, among others.

We collaborate with our allies on updates and innovations that have made this transportation mode more appealing. From open tickets, an option for travelers to choose their desired travel dates, to ancillaries like Pet-Friendly, electronic wallets, loyalty programs, and the creation of mobile applications with high conversion rates, among many others.

The agility with which we can implement these and other improvements in bus companies ensures higher competitiveness in the market, an aspect we have not observed being replicated internally in these companies at the same speed. Attracting talent is a significant challenge, and the culture of a technology-driven company is structured to ensure efficiency. Facing such challenges internally can be a hindrance to innovation for any company. Hence, it is of vital importance to hire experts who can help solve problems and uncertainties, thus accelerating their development capacity and increasing their competitiveness.

At Reservamos SaaS, we have driven the evolution of ground passenger transportation, making it a more efficient means of mobility, both in its operation and digital marketing. Being a much broader sector than air transportation, it becomes particularly attractive to both national and international travelers. Promoting the evolution of this sector in an agile manner will be key to making more people choose this mode of communication.

We are prepared to be the guide and ally that helps bus companies adapt to any change, without losing track. To watch the Busworld webinar on Mexico, click here.

In Brazil, our goal will be to empower bus companies through technology.

In Brazil, our goal will be to empower bus companies through technology.

The dynamics of the sector are changing. More and more companies understand the importance of having a solid digital strategy. At Reservamos SaaS, we have proposed to attend companies on this journey and to be the ally to promote their digital growth through our technological ecosystem and service.

The bus is one of the means of transport that mobilizes most people in the world, short, medium, and long distances, and ecologically more sustainable for the planet. It is a vital medium in the road arteries between cities and an economic engine. But despite the technological advances we have achieved in recent times, traveling by bus is often synonymous with terminals with crowded ticket offices, long lines, and wasted time.

In 2013, Reservamos set out to take the first steps to promote the digital transformation of this significant sector. And today, through the technological infrastructure we have developed, we have become an ally for bus companies in countries like the United States, Mexico, and Colombia, capable of accelerating that transformation and helping them succeed in a digital economy.

In 2019, my journey as Director of Sales and Global Expansion of Reservamos SaaS began. And from that moment on, I took on the challenge of sharing with more companies in the region the potential that technology offers to improve the experience of traveling by bus. Through Reservamos SaaS solutions, millions of travelers can access much more agile, efficient, and secure digital channels to purchase their bus tickets. And different companies have maintained their leadership in the sector by strengthening their operational teams with adequate tools, which have allowed them to get to know their users better and increase their revenue.

Today this journey brings us to Brazil, the world’s third-largest market for the passenger bus sector, a sector with great potential for innovation and growth that requires support and adequate solutions to connect more directly with its travelers through its digital channels

My challenge as Country Manager of Brazil will be to lead an evolution that we have been promoting in the region, to achieve not only that the sector is digitized and thriving but also that it has the necessary confidence in a world where you can order a coffee from your cell phone and arrives at the door of your house. The first big step to trigger this significant change is data analysis. Data is the new gold, so it is essential to take advantage of all the power information provides and thus improve interaction with travelers.

Having sales channels with high conversion rates allows companies to own their data and learn about user behavior. In this way, they can generate endless strategies in areas such as marketing, communication, operations, and revenue management.

It is no longer about guessing what the traveler needs but being able to know and adapt to their needs and behaviors; to anticipate much more competitive and attractive offers.

The technology and support of Reservamos SaaS is an accelerator for bus companies to maintain control of their brands and implement new features that translate into increased revenue. Only last year our allies had more than 50 million visitors on their digital channels. Almost the total number of inhabitants in cities like São Paulo, Mexico City, and Bogota, combined! Reaching conversions of +50% of visits to purchases. In addition, +10% of completed online purchases through apps developed by Reservamos SaaS for bus companies.

In addition, we have specialized in mitigating obstacles that limit the digital growth of companies, such as guaranteeing payment acceptance rates that exceed 85% and chargeback and fraud rates below 0.4%. Thanks to the understanding and experience of our teams, to develop actions that help shape, anticipate, and optimize each of the implemented tools.

Our intention is not to add another marketplace, which undoubtedly provides alternatives to diversify sales channels; On the contrary, our commitment is to bring the most suitable tools so that the bus companies themselves can innovate at a higher speed, growing their digital channels and better positioning their brands.

At Reservamos SaaS, we are convinced that technology not only represents a growth opportunity for companies. It is also a responsibility to democratize services and satisfy people’s needs more efficiently.

From São Paulo, I will lead this new opportunity for growth and disruption for Reservamos SaaS. Inspired by a sector that I am passionate about and in which I am convinced that our strategic support has much to contribute.

We arrived in Brazil and are ready to be your company’s technological ally! My agenda is open to listening and sharing experiences in this exciting sector.

Build vs Rent technology-The dilemma for bus companies looking for a better digital strategy

Build vs Rent technology-The dilemma for bus companies looking for a better digital strategy

It all boils down to one question: do you own a software company or do you sell products and services online?

When it comes to analyzing the digital strategy that you would implement in your organization, it all comes down to one question: do you have a software company or do you sell products and services online?

This question refers to the fact that there are mainly two strategies that will help you develop your online platform. The first is Build, that is, create a solution from scratch, using Business Intelligence tools. The second is Rent, that is, renting a platform with pre-built content. Do you know which one suits your business?

If your company wants to run a completely new platform and with a key differentiator, then the option is to hire a team of developers and create a special area within your company, to create a completely custom site and build it from scratch. However, although most organizations can find the budget to develop the first version, the real problem is maintenance, because in each version the changes affect the next phase and all the inconsistencies need to be resolved. Your platform will require constant updates to keep it up to date with the accelerated pace of innovation in eCommerce technology, the changing vision of your business, and digital user behavior. This makes building your platform a never-ending cycle of costs and attention, constantly distracting you from your core mission: the product or service you offer your customers.

Needless to say, choosing the Build strategy is not a smart investment if your organization is not completely dedicated to technology development.

On the other hand, there are many benefits to a rental model including faster time to market, easier integrations with open SaaS APIs, lower up-front costs, and it’s generally easier for you to set up, which reduces the burden on your operational and technology team. SaaS solutions move maintenance to your technology provider, who has a comprehensive understanding of the business, provides constantly improved value, and offers a business model focused on making costs predictable, both in the initial phases and in upgrades.

The general concern with SaaS is whether it will be fully featured, or customizable enough, to meet the specific requirements your company has and the industry you are in. But with the opening of platforms and more APIs the flexibility of the rental option has grown more and more. Another concern for companies is the follow-up that a technology provider can deliver according to the challenges and growth of the digital platform. In this sense, it is important to consider the alternatives offered by the market and the experience and support that each one provides. A supplier specialized in your sector will provide you with a lot of knowledge and vision that your company can take advantage of to offer a better service.

Building truly personalized experiences through a robust and scalable SaaS eCommerce platform is absolutely possible. In addition, through this model you can dedicate yourself to what you know how to do best and leave the optimization of your digital platform in expert hands, without losing sight of what interests your customers the most.

At Reservamos SaaS we can help you implement your digital platform. Contact us at [email protected] to learn more about your options.

How technology is transforming the travel experience

How technology is transforming the travel experience

No doubt, the use of technology in tourism has become a must and has transformed the way we plan our trips.

Today travelers begin their adventure long before they even choose the destination. Putting together the perfect vacation begins with an online search to compare options, tourist sites, communication routes to get there, attractions, and much more. Digital travelers plan all of this through their mobile devices. According to a study by Google Travel, 74% of users plan their trips through the Internet, while only 13% continue to use travel agencies for it.

Meanwhile, a study by the consulting firm McKinsey showed that since the pandemic, more than 75% of consumers have tried new ways of buying and intend to maintain them in the long term. Mobile apps, virtual tours and online reservation systems have become the basic resources of the tourism sector in order to improve the user experience. From the destination that travelers choose, the planning of activities, to the steps following their return, the entire process uses technology as a fundamental tool.

With travel trends focused on technological advances, the industry has focused on key areas such as:

  • The use of consumer data to extract actionable information in a secure way, in order to create increasingly detailed profiles to personalize and streamline the traveler experience.
  • Implementing automated tools that can respond to dynamic behavior in real time.
  • Adapting your business model and product offering for the new digital traveler.
  • Creating a culture of agility and resilience in the face of change.

In turn, the number of potential customers has been increasing due to the reach provided by social media. However, the current uncertainty in consumer confidence adds an additional complication for tourism. The key is to identify trends among your current shoppers and use a series of automated “test and iterate” experiments to find the right points in the customer journey to drive high-value purchases.

Learning and adapting to the needs of digital travelers is now becoming easier through technology. And it is also of great importance to have the necessary tools to process this information, and make smarter decisions that bring more personalized services. Can you imagine being able to accompany any digital traveler from the moment they perform a search on your website? Know from routes, dates and times that are more attractive and thus be able, for example, to develop loyalty programs that increase the attractiveness of your service.

Your bus company must adapt as consumer expectations increase, through the use of technological tools in all areas of business, from strategic planning, operations to marketing. Interaction with the traveler becomes more critical every day and keeping your line updated will allow you to get closer to your travelers, get to know them better and be able to follow their adventure from the first purchase intention.

We have the technology. Now the question is: are you ready to implement it? Contact us!